Applications are Open for the 2024 Mentorship Program!

Purple background with block letters that read "Mentorship Program, uncover the very best you."

Application Details

You do not have to be an ICology member to apply to the program but will need to join our community before the program starts in January 2024. Membership is $149.99/year or $19.99/month.

The application process is less about acceptance into the program and more about matching you with the right mentor. It’s crucial that we get to know you and your goals before we pair you with a mentor.

Mentee applicants are required to:

  • Have at least 5 and no more than 10 years of career experience (does not have to be solely internal comms)

  • Submit application and participate in a video conversation with program director

  • Demonstrate a passion for improving the employee experience through first class internal communication

  • Possess a commitment to career growth and development

  • Be willing to accept feedback with an open mind and a willingness to learn

  • Complete the program as outlined


  • September 8, 2023: applications open for the 2024 cohort

  • October 31, 2023: last day to apply

  • November 30, 2023: mentorship pairs are confirmed

  • January 2024: virtual program kickoff

  • September 2024: Graduation Ceremony & Mentorship Summit (in-person, date/location TBD)

More Info

Join us on LinkedIn on Thursday, September 21 at 3pm ET for a live Q&A session. Hear from past mentors/mentees and learn how this program can propel your career.

If you want to set up a time to chat more about the program being a good fit for you, reach out to Kristin Hancock:

Ready to get started? Apply today!

August 2022: Find your flame.

We're in the nest, right? Because I have a confession. Up until very recently, I struggled to define ICology and its direction. Where were we going with this podcast-turned-community and what the heck was the point?

On September 21 & 22 you're about to find out.

Camp ICology is our first in-person event and we are knocking it out of the freaking park if I do say so myself. The creativity and energy that is going into this event is setting my professional soul aflame and I know that every single one of our 25 campers is going to feel the passion behind the planning.

All this to say, if you can squeeze some extra dollars out of your PD budget for 2022, this is the time to do it. Registration cost is all-inclusive meaning you won't have to worry about spending a dime once you get there. And I promise you'll leave with a head full of ideas and a heart full of pride.

I've found a new flame in planning Camp ICology. Join me at the event and do the same.


December 2021: Sparking Joy

We're kicking off monthly themes here at ICology. You'll find them woven into our discussion topics, networking calls, and shared content. As 2021 comes to a close, we want to highlight the joy you spark in the lives of your employees, co-workers, and colleagues.

Read more