Member Spotlight - Rhea Mathew


Personal pronouns: She / her / hers

Role: Social Media Manager at Battenhall

Home: Dubai, UAE

What lured you into internal communications? What ignited your passion?

Internal Communications is such an amazing industry to be in because you’re helping folks renew connections to the brand they’ve chosen to represent. After years in corporate communications at HP, I realized that the region needed a dose of brand love internally so we created the program from scratch!

What would you say to someone new to the industry?

Your voice matters - Be loud and be very proud of what you have to say.

What do you hope to bring to ICology?

Internal communications pros from Dubai! We need to build this community.

What’s your one piece of IC career advice?

Make your connections and value them - You will always be grateful for the people who back you up on good days and bad days.

What words would you use to describe the types of communicators or leaders do you enjoy working with?

Communicators - Adaptable, capable, passionate and energetic

Leaders - Good listeners, understanding, compassionate