Member Spotlight - Keith Riley

ICology - Keith Riley.jpeg

Personal pronouns: He / him / his

Role: co-host at Internal Miscommunications Podcast

Home: Chorley, UK

What lured you into internal communications? What ignited your passion?

I followed a friend into it. I watched his career trajectory and wanted to do the same. I have no formal training or degree, I just worked really hard in the company i worked for and made sure that I did everything possible to get a foot in the door. Over the course of two years I used annual leave and changed my shifts to shadow and volunteer for the IC team and that paid off. I got a two-month temporary position that turned into six months that turned into the last 10 years (ish).

What would you say to someone new to the industry?

Doctors take a hypocratic oath and they still kill people. I quickly learned that you are not infallible and you have to release yourself of the crippling fear of making a mistake. As soon as you do this, you will discover that internal communications is one of the most rewarding and exciting careers you can be in. You’ll make a few mistakes but at least no one died from from a typo or a broken hyperlink.

What do you hope to bring to ICology?

Honestly, I genuinely think I am going to learn more than I give. I do specialise in media comms and have spent the last 15 years teaching myself how to shoot and edit video and audio specifically for an internal communications audience so I’d love to meet likeminded nerds and share / learn / steal ideas.

What’s your one piece of IC career advice?

The relationships you need to build are formed on trust, so do everything that is expected of you and a little bit more. This not only helps you form the relationships quicker but it also opens doors to the conversations that you need to be in to be a success. Don’t just presume the job title will give you autonomous access.

What professional goals did you put on hold during the pandemic?

Well.... that is a secret really because I didn’t put it on hold - just chipped away at it a little more slowly. 2021 could see the secret revealed but we shall see.

What words would you use to describe the types of communicators or leaders do you enjoy working with?

I love it when I am given a clearer brief and then allowed to run away with it. I love to be collaborative and to let stakeholders steer the process but I need to be allowed to get on with it. My perfect teammate would be someone who loves copy and admin because they are not my BFFs.

What is an IC tool or tactic that should be canceled?

None - I think as long as they have clear purpose and objectives there is a place for everything in the comms arsenal.