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Member Spotlight - Michelle Moulding

Personal pronouns: She / her / hers

Role: Internal engagement and communication specialist

Home: Near Peterborough, UK

What lured you into internal communications? What ignited your passion?

I, like many, fell into internal communications understanding that if the organisation was going to shout about how great it was to those on the outside then there had best be at least acceptance of that view internally. Much better to have an internal collective of advocates than a total disconnect with external perception.

What would you say to someone new to the industry?

Jump in the water - it’s lovely :-). There are few areas of a business that allow you to ask pertinent questions, tell stories and help shape the bigger corporate picture. Build your network, remember to be human and nobody has all of the answers but many will offer a helping hand.

What’s your one piece of IC career advice?

Don’t get stuck in the churn of just doing, put real value in listening to what colleagues are (or aren’t) saying and use that insight to inform your actions.

What words would you use to describe the types of communicators or leaders do you enjoy working with?

Authentic, honest and empowering leaders who know and value the strengths of their team. A similar list for communicators adding in a sense of awareness of who they are communicating with.

What is an IC tool or tactic that you think needs to be canceled?

Worrying about where it sits, evidence your value and the question becomes redundant.