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Member Spotlight - Ann Melinger

Personal pronouns: She / Her / Hers

Role: CEO at Brilliant Ink

Home: New York, NY, USA

What lured you into internal communications? What ignited your passion?

I loved so much of what I learned in school studying Communications, and I wanted to find a way to apply those skills - writing, storytelling, creative problem solving - to work that can make a difference in peoples' lives.

What would you say to someone new to the industry?

Don't overthink it - the best internal communicators know how to put themselves into employees' shoes. That's something we can all do - think back over jobs you've had, and reflect on what made it a great experience and what was lacking. Keep that empathy at the core of everything you do and you'll go far!

What's your #1 piece of IC career advice?

If you’ve ever considered it, I encourage you to take the risk and try working for yourself at least once in your career. It’s a real privilege and I recognize that not everyone will have that opportunity – giving up the stability of a steady paycheck and benefits is luxury many people cannot afford. But if you’ve ever considered it and have the means to make it happen, GO FOR IT. Few things in life are more fulfilling than the freedom and flexibility of working on your own, and our industry is tailor-made for freelancers to thrive. (p.s. I’m happy to share my advice with anyone who is considering it!)

What do you hope to bring to ICology?

I love sharing insights, exchanging ideas and engaging in discussion and debate. From what I’ve seen so far in ICology, I expect there to be plenty of each!

What professional or career goals did you put on hold during the pandemic?

Honestly, I can’t think of anything I put on hold. It was by no means easy, but I was able to achieve more than I ever could have imagined, including growing my team by more than 50%. Now I’m just ready to get out there and meet all my new Brilliant Inkies!

What words would you use to describe the types of communicators or leaders you enjoy working with?

Collaborative, Open-Minded, Human

What is an IC tool or tactic that needs to be canceled?

Clunky/old-school/custom-coded intranets. I’ve met too many communicators who are responsible for their company’s intranet and waste HOURS of their lives struggling to make simple updates or collect meaningful analytics. There are too many powerful, intuitive, cost-effective solutions out there today to waste your time with that!